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DIY Spider Control Tips

Pesky Possum Bird & Pest Control | DIY Spider Control

DIY Spider Control Tips   Has your home or property been invaded by spiders? Some spiders are completely harmless and help in keeping flies away from the house, but most don’t want these eight legged creatures hanging around their house. These creatures will not only make you uncomfortable but also leave lots of dead insects and webs inside […]

Snake Sightings in Brisbane

Pesky Possum Bird & Pest Control | Snake Sightings Brisbane

Snake Sightings in Brisbane With spring coming right around the corner, many species of snakes are becoming increasingly active. Sightings of snakes, such as the carpet python are increasing due to their quest for mating, and some residents may even witness male to male combat at this time of year. Furthermore, when the weather is […]

Possums (1998) Movie Review

Pesky Possum Pest Control

  Possums Movie Review Who knew a colossally low budget movie like Possums would turn out to be such a huge hit—a sleeper hit that would still be talked about by football fans and re-watched over and again two decades later? A far cry from the boring, mundane, and overdone movie many might have expected, […]

A Bug’s Life Movie Review

Pesky Possum Pest Control

Cartoons and animation movies are widely accepted as entertainment for children and the occasional peculiar adult. However, every once in a while an animated film is produced that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is safe to say that A Bug’s Life was one such movie. This classic was produced way back in […]