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Pest Control North Brisbane Website Launch

Pest Control North Brisbane Logo

Pest Control North Brisbane WebsiteOn the advice of our trusted SEO and web development team at BrisDigital, we have launched a new website to focus on the North Brisbane market. The website Pest Control North Brisbane features an easy to use interactive contact form to make it easy for new clients to let us know what they’re having problems with. The site was launched at the start of this month and will aim to capture additional enquiries in the region of of Brisbane around our head office on the beautiful Northside of the city.

The premise behind this website is to build our brand as an expert in pest control and not just possum removal. Due to the Pesky Possum branding, many potentially new clients chose to go with other providers after visiting our website because they assume we are purely specialists in possums and only offer pest control on the side as a supplimentary service. While this is incorrect, it is hard to convince first time visitors to our site otherwise, so the new website with a different focus and branding has been developed in the hopes of resolving this dilemma.

A lot of thought was put into the contact forms design and styling before the site was built. We wanted to make a fairly unexciting topic for most people – pest control, a little bit more fun to have to deal with. We also wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to get in touch with us so we can get to working on a solution for their pest problems as soon as possible!

If you would like to take a look at our new Northside Pest Control website, simply click through to www.pestcontrolnorthbrisbane.com.au.

Feel free to let us know what you think, any and all feedback is welcome.