Bee & Wasp Removal in Brisbane When you have an infestation of bees or wasps in your home it is best to call in the professionals at Pesky Possum Bird and Pest Control. We have decades of experience in safely removing your bee and wasp hive so that your property is returned back to safety […]
Have you spotted a snake on your property? Chances are you have! Snakes are very common in Australia and almost all of us have come in contact with one at some point. Australia is also home to some of the deadliest snakes in the world, which makes it important to know what you can do […]
Why Rats Are Bad for Your Home: Rats and mice are some of the worst pests you can have infecting your home. As many of us know, rats carry a variety of harmful diseases. Plus, rats and mice are known to leave behind harmful droppings and even chew through your home’s walls, flooring and electrical […]
Australian brush turkeys can be an annoying menace. They dig up garden beds, destroy vegetable patches, and spread leaves across footpaths and lawns. These troublesome turkeys are native to Australia however, and are a protected species. This means, often the only way to stop them tearing up your yard is to catch them and have […]
Today is the first day of the Australian summer. Unfortunately, summer doesn’t just bring beautiful weather and sunny beach days to us, but also a LOT of pests. Summertime is the most active period of the year for pests in Australia. This is because as the weather heats up it becomes ideal for pests to […]
For over 20 years, the expert team at Pesky Possum Bird and Pest Control have been proudly serving the people of Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast. We offer a range of services in possum, bird and pest control. No matter what your concern, Pesky Possum Bird & Pest Control have the Answer! […]
Most birds are potential pests because they destroy crops, or are simply a nuisance to homeowners. Some of the pest birds such as parrots, finches, pigeons, sparrows, chimney swifts and more are among the most annoying and destructive. In fact, pest birds account for millions annually in terms of repairs in Australia. The most targeted […]
Your home is your sanctuary, and you’ve probably spent quite a bit of time and effort making it as comfortable for yourself and for your guests as possible. Unfortunately, some of our homemaking habits are inviting pests inside in addition to human guests. Pests are a little less picky than humans are, so some simple […]